Procesul iranian de îmbogăţire a uraniului este ireversibil. Este declaraÅ£ia făcută de purtătorul de cuvânt al ministerului de interne de la Teheran. AfirmaÅ£ia vine cu cinci zile înaintea expirării termenului pe care NaÅ£iunile Unite l-au acordat Iranului pentru a-ÅŸi suspenda programul nuclear. După data limită oferită de ONU, Consiliul de …
Read More »US spies infiltrate Iran from the Azerbaijani territory
Secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, claims that US secret services are acting against his country, using Azerbaijani and Turkmen territory. As Azerbaijani Echo edition said the allegations came at the threshold of the visit of Ilham Aliyev to Washington.
Read More »r.i.iran si drepul omului
In the name of God, the Compassionate the Merciful The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Pledges and Commitments on Human Rights The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a founding member of the United Nations and a party to the major International Human Rights Instruments, based on principles enshrined in its Constitution …
CoÅŸmarul fugii din faÅ£a apelor i-a ajuns ÅŸi pe locuitorii a două sate doljene, după ce două diguri, la BistreÅ£ ÅŸi Dăbuleni, s-au rupt. Luni noapte, localitatea Sărata a rămas pustie, jandarmii evacuându-i pe toÅ£i localnicii. Apa a ajuns aproape de sat. Cu câteva ore înainte, cei din Plosca ÅŸi-au …
Read More »Iran eases oil supply fears over nuke row
TEHRAN (Reuters) — OPEC heavyweight Iran said on Saturday that it would not disrupt its oil exports as a weapon in its nuclear dispute with the West.Fears that Tehran, the world’s fourth biggest oil exporter, could cut back its crude oil exports or disrupt energy shipments from the Gulf have …
Israelul ameninţă cu reocuparea Fâşiei Gaza dacă atentatele palestinienilor continuă. Mahmud Abbas a anulat decizia premierului palestinian de a înfiinÅ£a noi trupe de securitate care erau formate din activiÅŸti ai aripilor armate ale grupării Hamas. Decizia lui Abbas vine după ce Israelul a anunÅ£at că ÅŸeful noilor structuri de securitate …
Read More »Spiritual Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran (Speach)
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may His Peace and blessings be upon the supreme Messenger, the Trustworthy Prophet, and his immaculate Household, the chosen testaments. Dear guests—scholars, thinkers, statesmen, and valiant guards of the ideological …
Read More »Leader Underscores Military Prowess
TEHRAN, April 19–Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday the sine qua non for the country’s advancement is placing hope in the future. Ayatollah Khamenei, who was receiving senior army commanders, added that such a spirit will lead to creativity.
Read More »Ahmadinejad to Oil Exporters
Reduce Price Pressure On Weak Countries OPEC Fund Proposed TEHRAN, April 19–President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday emphasized that despite the hike in oil prices in recent years, the real price has not been achieved and urged oil exporters to reduce the pressure of price hike on weak countries. Addressing the …
Read More »Iran Says Army Can Fend Off Any Attack
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the remarks on Tuesday to commemorate Army Day.  “Today, you are among the world’s most powerful armies because you rely on God,” Ahmadinejad told military officers before a parade of the armed forces in southern Tehran.
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