Usually, we would refrain from any racist notion, any attempt to accuse a large group on a religious basis, but in this case, we made very deep inquiries and made sure, that the statistics are sound. We had no alternative, but to publish the paper as it is. Rape is …
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What the fall of Assad could mean for the Middle East
Analysis: The end of the Assad family’s 54-year rule is the start of a new chapter in Syrian history, one that will have reverberations across the Middle East. For years, many commentators inaccurately claimed that former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government had “won” the civil war. In truth, …
Read More »A New Geo-Political Map Is Unfolding: The End Of Syria (And Of ‘Palestine’ For Now) – OpEd
Syria has entered the abyss – the demons of al-Qa’eda, ISIS, and the most intransigent elements of the Muslim Brotherhood are circling the skies. There is chaos, looting, fear, and a terrible passion for revenge scalds the blood. Street executions are rife. Maybe Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and its leader, …
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