
La France en Afrique : «Nouveau modèle de partenariat» et projets de revanche

Malgré l’instabilité politique bien connue de la Ve République, provoquée par les résultats des récentes élections législatives, la continuité du parcours militaro-politique de Paris en Afrique semble préservée. En outre, selon des responsables politiques africains, des preuves existent qui prouvent les liens entre la France et les terroristes. En avril …

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La Turquie entre dans la bataille pour l’uranium du Niger

Une délégation turque dirigée par le ministre des Affaires étrangères Hakan Fidan a visité le Niger. Selon des sources officieuses, Ankara s’intéresse à l’accès aux gisements d’uranium, dont le géant nucléaire français Orano pourrait bientôt perdre totalement le droit d’exploitation. En échange, il est probable que la junte au pouvoir …

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Russia-Africa Cooperation: Current Outlook And Future Perspectives – OpEd

With a wide scope of its academic and research operations, encompassing the United States through Europe down to entire Asian-Pacific region, the reputable and world-known Russia’s Valdai Club has moved down to Africa, which currently becomes the battle field for key global players and constitutes a significant part of the …

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The Wagner Group And Russian Foreign Policy Objectives in Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: France’s influence in its former Sub-Saharan African colonies has been slipping. Russia has been capitalising on popular anti-French sentiment, weak state security, and vulnerable infrastructure to advance its geopolitical goals on the continent. This is done through the use of the Wagner Group, a Russian-based Private Military Contractor (PMC), …

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Egypt Buffeted by Regional Turmoil

Egypt has a direct and material stake in an end to the Gaza conflict, and its officials are central actors in the diplomacy to arrange an end to the Hamas-Israel war.Israeli demands to exercise enduring security control on the Gaza-Egypt border have strained relations between Egypt and Israel and complicated …

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Sahel confederation: Sustaining its challenge of the regional order, By Jibrin Ibrahim

“Our people have irrevocably turned their backs on ECOWAS,” Niger’s ruling General Abdourahamane Tiani told the cheering crowd that attended the Niamey summit. Trust them, it was not just another formal meeting but a street party, which saw the leaders walking through massive rallies and street procession,s as they received …

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Why Europe Needs Africa

Introduction: Why Europe Needs Africa (and Africa Needs Europe) In 2017, Africa’s population under twenty-five years old surpassed the total population of Europe. By 2050, Africa will have added 796 million people to the workforce, while Europe’s working-age population (aged sixteen to sixty-four) will decline by 156 million.1 Europe is …

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Slaughter in Sudan and the US Role

Thousands of Americans have been protesting for eight months against the murder and misery in Gaza. We have felt complicit because the bill is largely paid for by the US government, with our tax dollars. Although the number being killed or facing starvation in Sudan is far greater, we have …

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How Sudan’s Wars Of Succession Shape The Current Conflict – Analysis

Sudan Today Since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the government-sponsored paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in April of 2023, according to the International Rescue Committee at least 25 million people out of a total population of roughly 48.7 million are in need of basic humanitarian …

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Analysts worried by report of Sahel militants crossing into Nigeria

Regional security analysts are warning Nigerian authorities to take caution following a new report that armed militants operating in Africa’s volatile Sahel region have a found their way into northwest Nigeria through the borders of the Republic of Benin. Wednesday’s security report, “Dangerous Liaisons” by the Dutch research think tank …

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