Like many people around the world, I rejoiced with the liberated Syrian people when the tyrannical dynasty of a father and son that oppressed them for more than half a century finally came to an end. There is no doubt that the revolutionary lightning that struck Syria and brought down …
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Kurdish Oil And U.S. Leverage In Iraq
As the Obama Administration ratchets up its confrontation with radical Islamists in Iraq, an idled tanker loaded with Kurdish oil off the Texas coast may provide a bargaining chip for enhancing US influence in Iraq. The U.S. has been seeking to persuade Iraq’s Shia Muslim-dominated government to open itself to …
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Le chef rebelle victorieux al-Joulani a combattu bras dessus bras dessous avec les militants du Parti islamique du Turkestan, les mêmes Ouïghours devenus «cause humanitaire nationale» en France jusque dans le 38e congrès du PCF où une motion de soutien a été votée en leur faveur alors que Vincent Boulet …
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