Support for Ukraine so far has been better than anticipated, but public opinion on the war is getting divided over the period. Facing domestic opposition, political leaders could find it convenient to end the conflict. Others would be pleased to return to business-as-usual: cheap Russian gas and an end to …
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What Really Happened in Chile
The CIA, the Coup Against Allende, and the Rise of Pinochet On September 9, 1973, I was eating lunch at Da Carla, an Italian restaurant in Santiago, Chile, when a colleague joined my table and whispered in my ear: “Call home immediately; it’s urgent.” At the time, I was serving …
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En se rapprochant des régimes en place au Sahel, comme lui proches de Moscou, le maréchal libyen joue sur plusieurs tableaux. Mais il cherche avant tout à consolider son pouvoir face aux autorités de l’Ouest et à se poser en partenaire incontournable, y compris pour les Occidentaux. La visite à …
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