Lithuanian Jazz With Chechen Blood As A Right To Life

There is not a more important thing on earth than human rights, of which the right to life is the first one. The importance of this was persuasively demonstrated during the meeting of N.A.T.O. foreign ministers in Vilnius by near 1000 Lithuanian soldiers, policemen and civil-dressed guards with dogs, horseback, or on roofs, in all streets, parks and squares, protected by Air Forces and reinforced by mobs of foreign servicemen. 6 million Lithuanian Litas evaporated welding canalization hatches, driving away of transport scared away by brandishing with tommy – guns. In any words, the event showed how one should take care of human life. This was a kind of object lesson for the sake of European future for all equal citizens, who enjoy the right to life from Washington and Moscow up to Chechenia and Bishkek.

With the best wishes of peace, human rights, democracy and justice, the meeting confirmed fair play of Lithuanian hosts. They spoke about Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iraq and very much about Belarus, i.e. about those who guard and those who trespass human rights, freedom and international law, as it was awaited, allowed and guide-lined.

The presence or Russian foreign minister S. Lavrov meant a guarantee that Chechenia would remain a taboo theme. You may blame A.Lukashenka as you only want, because he violates human rights, unlike V. Putin, who sheds streams of blood of the Chechens. Such a position appeared to be fully grounded: what is the good of human rights for the Chechens when they have no right to life! Such a conception had been drawn by V. Putin and accepted by the U.S.A. and Europe. The Lithuanians perceived this politics without detailed elucidation.

All experts and defenders of freedom and democracy joined V. Putin’s lines. No wonder, because it is Russia which leads democracy. Therefore Lithuania, for its part, behaved (as our foreign minister uses to repeat) “correctly and constructively”.

After Moscow “wrung” our ambassador’s hands, the supreme power of Lithuania closed the Chechen Internet station “Kavkaz-Center” immediately. During his recent visit to Moscow our foreign minister friendly “agreed” that there was no need to discuss offensive words of Russian ambassador about Lithuania, or a compensation for the damage of the Soviet occupation, as this had been demanded after a corresponding Lithuanian referendum.

In the East Europe Lithuania really became a standard gauge of obligingness and adaptalibity towards the West and the East. Everything is realized what has been ever demanded. Americans demand not irritating Russia but V. Putin demands to leave him alone. Being a leader, we understand and feel that a six-years-long war tragedy of Chechenia should be hushed up.

Lithuanians are great masters of hospitality. This tradition comes from Brezhnev’s times when it was necessary to host distant guests from the East, i.e. those who had power and potency, not to say about immediate superiors. The words of our national humor personage Kindziulis are not ungrounded: not to love the boss means to harm oneself.

N.A.T.O. Secretary General is fond of Lithuanian jazz. Therefore a corresponding concert was organized for him by Foreign Ministry. This was in a country restaurant “Belmontas Cascades”, where a Lithuanian dance “polka” with making an obedient European courtesy and a roar of cascades muffled groans of the Chechens.

You say, this had nothing with the Chechens: this was only a Lithuanian jazz-band loudly and prettily playing Lithuanian and international melodies for Europeans, but not a taboo concerning Chechenia. Indeed our foreign minister had said that the question of human rights in Russia had not been scheduled? It was only for this reason that our boys from the special service barred a placard of defenders of the independence of Chechenia opposite the Town Hall of Vilnius: “Stop a Colonial War against Chechenia!” This placard was not allowed to ruin the schedule, nor the image of Lithuania as a leader of political democratization in East Europe. It is worth adding that the boys menaced to democratically punish picket-people after the event.

All questions had been discussed “frankly and daringly”, the foreign minister of Lithuania said (BNS, 2005, 21/04). What a happiness that we are daring to speak what is necessary and as much as necessary! What a happiness that it is Vilnius from which outspread the words about human freedom as well as the voice of Lithuanian jazz! The West, as well as the East, likes this. How incorrect and destructive would look mixing these words and this voice with Chechen blood! It will take only several years when the problem will be solved in a natural way – the sources of blood will be exhausted: the louder plays the jazz, the sooner ends the blood. Democracy, freedom, equality and brotherhood will triumph with a historical contribution of Lithuanian jazz. ,,Habemus visionem” – we have a vision of human rights, all the ministers together and each of them separately. These are only the Chechens who do not understand that they are as happy as Lithuanians knowing what a music is ordered, what problems should be noticed and what problems should be hushed up, what and how should be understood and responded. This is the price of democracy.

Everybody likes Lithuanian jazz, especially in a read tonality of a warm blood. Many thanks to the Russian Empire that due to it we can be famous for democracy all over the world. Many thanks are to our leaders too. The blood has been always an incontrovertible argument for a headsman as well as for a victim, and for all who are indifferent. It is important to be of a good soul, which cannot be frightened by the ruins of Chechenia: as a Lithuanian proverb says, if one has a mind, he can harness his father to plough the soil.

By spreading sand of ideals within a sand box for small children, one should not forget zip codes. It is not necessary to have a heart of a shark for those who want to send letters to Chechen Ghetto. Lovers of nature delight in looking at a trained dog standing on hind legs. It wins a sweet for this. The meeting of ministers is not gymnastics to a soul. Beautiful group photos of savers of the right to life remain for history. This is their blessing to Chechenia. Thank them.

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