KAZAKHSTAN : Kazakh pro-opposition newspaper accused of violatin law

The Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office has accused the administration of the Respublika pro-opposition newspaper of repeatedly violating registration regulations.

The registration requirements were violated “by the aforementioned editorial office this year when it published a number of newspapers: Set.Kz,
Respublika, Delovoye Obozreniye, Pyatoye Izmereniye and Assandi- times,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said in a press release on Monday.
“Six issues of the Set.kz newspaper have been published illegally over the past few months. This newspaper’s registration is no longer valid, which has been confirmed by a court ruling,” the release reads.

The owner of Set.kz, TOO List-Info, has been fined, while all copies of the newspaper will be confiscated, it reads.

“This editorial team has repeatedly committed such legal violations with the help of other legal entities,” the release reads.

The Vremya-Print printshop, where most of the Kazakh opposition newspapers have been printed, has terminated contracts with the opposition
newspapers Svoboda Slova (Freedom of Speech), Epokha (Epoch), Apta-Kz, Pravda Kazakhstana (The Truth of Kazakhstan) and Zhuma-Times in
what their management have described as an unmotivated move.

“This happened after an OSCE mission visited the printshop and amid assurances that there are no restrictions on the printing of opposition
newspapers,” the leaders of opposition mass media said in their letters to the head of the Asia-Press and Deur printhouses.

“It’s all the more regrettable that such things are taking place on the eve of crucial presidential elections,” the letters, which were circulated on Monday, say.

“Toktokan Borombayeva, a parliament deputy between 2000 and 2005, was offered to head the new culture ministry. Emilbek Uzakbayev, who
previously held different posts in the government, may head the state migration and employment committee,” he said.

The posts of two deputy prime ministers will be abolished, and only two such posts will remain in the new government.

“The president proposed Daniyar Usenov for the post of first deputy prime minister and Adakhan Madumarov as deputy prime minister,” he said.
“The proposed individuals should undergo confirmation hearing at pertinent parliamentary committees. Then the candidates will be discussed at the session,” he said.

“According to the Constitution, the prime minister presents the proposed members of government to the parliament. Each candidate is confirmed via a secret vote,” he said.

Kyrgyzstan’s Cabinet on Monday denied reports posted on some websites that Felix Kulov had been dismissed as Kyrgyz prime minister.
“On Monday, the prime minister was busy working on specific economic issues, including preparations for the coming heating season in the republic,” the Cabinet said in a statement.

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