Ahmadinejad’s Epistle to Bush Heralds New Era of Politico-Spiritual Thinking

A0189146.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- A European Islamic thinker, Leonardo Aladdin Clerici, says the central message of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s historic epistle to US President George W. Bush is that Iran’s Islamic policy in the Middle East and in the world is a warranty of peace and stability for the world.

Clerici, who heads the Brussels-based “Institute di Skriptura,” an institute which aims to promote understanding between the Christian West and the Muslim world, said, “A new era of spiritual-political thinking in the world is the message of brother Ahmadinejad.”

Clerici, a member of an intellectual Italian family who has embraced Islam, said the Iranian position on the nuclear issue is “logical and liberal and the development of any kind of technology is a natural right to conduct research.

He said, “Nobody has the right to infringe upon this right,” adding, “Americans and Europeans have to understand this reality, otherwise they will be isolated.”

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