World Majority Opposed to Trespassing of Iran’s N. Rights

A0240299.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that an overwhelming majority of the world people are opposed to the efforts of a few western countries, which seek to trespass Iran’s nuclear rights.

Addressing tens of thousands of the fervent people in Iran’s central province of Semnan on Wednesday, the Supreme Leader praised the nation’s proper understanding of the country’s rights and interests and their insistence on Iran’s right of access to peaceful nuclear technology, and added, “Iranians are persistently requesting restoration of their nuclear rights as they know that acquisition of the technology is deemed as a main index for global progress.”

“Iran’s full command of the nuclear technology means that the country can move ahead along the track of progress and secure its needs without foreign aid. Thus, acquisition of the nuclear technology is an assured, indispensable and inalienable right of the Iranian nation,” he continued.

Noting the US hues and cries about the so-called world opposition to Iran’s nuclear activities, Ayatollah Khamenei reminded that over 150 countries within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and other world bodies and nations, which seek to terminate monopoly of the nuclear energy by a few powers admire Iranian nation’s courageous resistance and insistence on the restoration of its nuclear rights.

“And this shows that a decisive majority of the world nations are strongly opposed to the efforts made by a few western countries to deprive Iran of its right of access to peaceful nuclear technology,” he stressed.

Describing continued national optimism as a major factor paving the way for the nation’s access to the heights of progress and glory and noting 27 years of animosity by the world Zionism and American arrogance towards the Iranian nation and Islamic Revolution, the Leader stated, “Despite extensive propaganda and hues and cries by the western countries, enemies of the Iranian nation, including the United States, are now in a weaker position compared with ten to fifteen years ago. And the US failure in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan is just an instance and indication of the said reality.”

Elaborating on the United States’ feeble position in the Middle-East, the Supreme Leader reminded, “The US administration made use of all its possibilities and it even accepted the formation of the Palestinian government on the surface so as to help the Zionist regime escape its continued confrontation with the Palestinian people. But you can observe today that the government which ascended to power in Palestine stressed that it does not recognize its Zionist enemy and that it may not negotiate with the Israeli entity. And these mean that the US has failed in the attainment of its goal.”

He further pointed to the Iranians’ adherence to the revolutionary ideals, religious values and the path of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini as the main reasons underlying the United States’ frequent and continued defeats in its confrontation with Iran, reiterating, “Iranians’ love for Imam Khomeini has defused all the plots and conspiracies the United States has hatched to make Imam’s ideas, goals and path fade away from the Iranian society.”

The Leader also called on the world nations, particularly Muslims, to learn from Iranian nation’s resistance, underlining that the proper performance of the Iranians has made many unreal slogans of the West, including human rights, campaign against terrorism and democracy, notorious.

“The Iranian nation illustrated that religious populism is the real democracy, because in this kind of populism, contrary to the partisan games prevalent in the West, these are the people who distinguish and identify their needs and bring individuals to power through their votes,” he asserted.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on Iran’s enemies to take a lesson from their past failures in confronting Iran, and said that hegemonic powers should understand that the 21st century, contrary to the 19th and 20th centuries, is an era when colonialist policies are defeated, while spirituality, independence and return to national identity prevail everywhere, warning that if any power decides to stand up to this reality, it will be destined to failure.

Meantime, Ayatollah Khamenei reminded that the American nation, like all other people, is entitled to a peaceful and desirable life, adding, “If they want to have a good life they should try to look for such a goal at a national level and within their national boundaries, rather than considering themselves as the owner of such sensitive world regions as the Persian Gulf.”

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