Illegitimate Measures Discredit UNSC

A02378706.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- If the measures adopted by the UN Security Council are not based on the principles and criteria of international law and justice, they would damage the credit and trustfulness of the UN body, an Iranian MP said.

In separate letters addressed to the chairmen of Iran-Algeria and Iran-Czech parliamentary friendship groups, member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hamid Reza Haji Babayee said that the Islamic Republic views UN Security Council Resolution 1737 as an extrajudicial measure which is beyond the assignments of the Council and violates the rules and regulations explicitly stated in the UN charter.

“Resolution 1737, which lacks legality and contradicts Article 4 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty which stipulates entitlement of nations to the acquisition of peaceful civilian nuclear energy, is an innovation in the performance of the Security Council, illustrates the discriminatory approach and double-standards in dealing with Iran’s nuclear case and undermines the NPT and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),” he said.

“While the Islamic Republic of Iran has always stressed the necessity for a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue through negotiations, those who have drafted the resolution are now themselves ignoring the measure,” the lawmaker continued, adding, “These states-in violation of NPT- proposed an unfair resolution in a sudden move in a bid to block Iran’s access to the nuclear fuel production cycle and self-sufficiency in the field of civilian nuclear technology.”

“Resolution 1737 was issued due to the influence of certain states at the UNSC and based on an untested assumption that Iran might one day be willing to produce nuclear weapons, while IAEA reports do not include any sign indicating non-peaceful nuclear activities by Iran and while the 118-member Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have voiced all-out support for Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities, which both annul the imaginations which underlie the UNSC Resolution 1737,” the letters said.

Also noting the Zionist regime’s prime minister admitting Tel Aviv’s military nuclear capabilities and arsenals, the Iranian legislative official reminded, “Under such conditions that the Zionist regime of Israel refuses to joint the NPT and avoids undergoing IAEA safeguard inspections, the measure (resolution 1737) adopted by the UN Security Council shows double-standards which are not at all acceptable to the Iranian nation.

He further mentioned that the Iranian nation is decisive to continue progress and development and that it can’t be intimidated by the Untied States and Britain, saying that adoption of such measures by the Security Council serves nuclear apartheid and partition of the world into North and South.

The MP also reiterated that the Islamic Republic government, urged by the nation, will continue its peaceful nuclear activities which have always been inspected by the IAEA and complied with Iran’s undertakings within the NPT and safeguard agreement.

“If the measures adopted by the UN Security Council are not based on the principles and criteria of international law and if they don’t enjoy inherent justice, they would damage the credit and trustfulness of the UN body with the world nations,” he continued.

To conclude the letters, the official has called on his Algerian and Czech colleagues to take the necessary measures to reflect the realities of Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities, reinvigorate the NPT and IAEA and support the world nations’ right to use modern sciences and technologies in the field of civilian nuclear energy.

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