FM: Bahman 22 rallies proved Iranians present in all scenes

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here Sunday evening that the huge turn-out in the Feb 11 (Bahman 22) rallies proved Iranians are present in all scenes. Talking to IRNA, he referred to the Supreme Leader’s recent remarks on the possibility of a US military strike on Iran, and said the message Washington received in the past two or three days from the Supreme Leader was most exlicit, decisive and logical.

The Supreme Leader warned that Iran would hit back at American interests worldwide if the United States attacked the Islamic Republic to thwart its nuclear program.

“The second message that the White House received was the message of the Iranian people that they were fully ready to defend the ideals of the 1979 Islamic Revolution as shown in their heroic attendance in the Bahman 22 rallies,” Mottaki said.

Asked what influence such messages would have on the US’ approach towards Iran, the Iranian foreign minister said that in the past few days the world has witnessed a relative balance in US stances regarding Iranian issues.

Recent remarks of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attest to such change in US attitude, he added.

Mottaki said this new political atmosphere may be attributed to the two messages.

He then referred to the speech Saturday of Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he accused the US of having committed more crimes than former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

On the psychological war being waged by the US on Iran, he said such tactics are rotten, and added that Washington is not in a position to wage another war in the region.

As to the overwhelming opposition of Americans to the president’s policies, he said President George W Bush is in no position to create another crisis for the American people at the end of his term in office.

Referring to American and British attempts to create discord among Iraqi Sunni and Shiite Muslims, Mottaki said their efforts are doomed to fail.

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