Muslim World a Critique of Western Civilization

A02624081.jpgIranian Parliament Speaker Gholam Ali Haddad Adel said that the world of Islam today is a serious critique of the western civilization. Addressing the 6th convention of Iran’s cultural attachés abroad, the top legislative official further said that identity and independence-seeking characterize the Islamic world today.

He said the Muslim world enjoyed more extensive relations prior to its confrontation with the western world, and describing relations of the Islamic countries as weak, he said, “Unfortunately, Muslim nations have little information about each other, while Western civilization has become the reference for many works authored by the Muslims, including philosophical books and novels.”

The official further called for filling of such a gap of knowledge and information, and stressed the need for Muslim states to have extensive cultural ties with each other.

Elsewhere, he viewed the present century as the era of Islamic vigilance, and said, “If you compare the Muslim world today with what existed 100 years ago, you can find out the underlying meaning of this vigilance as you can see that Muslims do not surrender to others so easily.”

Haddad Adel said that the world of Islam today is a serious critique of the western civilization, and reminding that identity and independence-seeking characterize the Islamic world today, he called for increase of knowledge and reinvigoration of the said movement.

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