Iran’s Western Borders Secure Enough

A02725857.jpgIran’s Interior Minister Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi said that his country’s western borders enjoy an acceptable level of security. Speaking to reporters in Iran’s southwestern province of Ilam on Tuesday, the official said deployment of the military and law enforcement troops in the western parts of the country, accompanied by the active presence and watchfulness of inhabitants of the border regions, has established security at the borderlines with the neighboring countries.

He voiced pleasure in the positive interaction of the border residents with the military and law enforcement troops, saying that residents of the area have shown full respect for the border rules and regulations.

He introduced Mehran as an official border passage of Iran, which has provided desirable conditions for the Iranian pilgrims as it enjoys a desirable level of available security and facilities.

The minister said that in its last year visit to Ilam province, the cabinet has made valuable decisions for the reinvigoration of Mehran border passage.

He stressed the point that the government is striving to implement the said cabinet approvals in the province.

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