Iran Addresses Board of Governors on Technical Cooperation

A02051185.jpgThe following is the full text of Iran’s statement on the technical cooperation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with the Islamic Republic addressed to the Board chairman by Iran’s Permanent Representative to the IAEA Ali Asqar Soltanieh. In the Name of God

Mr. Chairman,

At the outset, I would like to associate myself with the statement delivered by the distinguished Ambassador of Sudan speaking on behalf of Group 77 and China and the distinguished Ambassador of Cuba speaking on behalf of NAM. I am obliged, on behalf of my Government to express our sincere appreciation for the indispensable support of the NAM for Iran’s peaceful nuclear program since this issue was raised three years ago and for their continuous reiteration of the principles enshrined in the Statute of the IAEA in this context and expressing their concerns regarding political approach to a purely technical matter that is Technical Cooperation of Agency.

Mr. Chairman,

For the first time in the history of IAEA, the promotional statutory pillar of the Statute has been put in serious jeopardy. The authority of the IAEA as the sole competent technical international organization for this issue has seriously been undermined. It has to be reminded that the IAEA is an autonomous international organization that has a working relationship with the UN through a mutual agreement. Professionalism and impartiality of the Agency should not be undermined through politically motivated decisions of the United Nation Security Council which is trying to dictate the Agency on what, how and when to deprive a developing Member State from technical cooperation which is solely aimed at humanitarian and peaceful uses.

All projects of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the Agency have been proposed by the Secretariat after an in-depth study, a through elaboration and in house screening which subsequently been considered and approved by the Board of Governors in accordance with the provision of the Statute and the appropriate guidelines (INFCIRC/267). Revising such peaceful projects under any pretext would only damage the credibility and the integrity of the IAEA.

It is worth mentioning that the confusion of the sponsors of the groundless punitive measures against Iran’s peaceful activities has been reflected in the UN Security Council resolution to the extent that they, either with no knowledge of technical aspects, the procedures and guidelines for the approval of the Technical Cooperation projects or with their ill-intentioned motives has been trying to deprive the Islamic Republic of Iran from its inalienable rights. This might open a new chapter of instrumental use of UN Security Council for those who see the Council “as one of the tools in their toolbox” in order to interference in the technical activities of the IAEA.

All projects of the Islamic Republic of Iran are devoted to the peaceful purposes. Therefore, putting on hold any of these approved projects under the pretext of proliferation concerns are a futile exercise. We sincerely hope that the Secretariat fulfill its responsibilities in the area of technical cooperation for peaceful and humanitarian purposes and avoid any political interference from outside.

Given the important role of the nuclear energy in coming years and the increasing demand for this energy as reflected by the DG in his introductory statement, it is a matter of great regret that by some politically motivated decisions outside the IAEA, the Agency is dictated to put on hold projects of a developing country which is aimed at planning for infrastructure of a power plant and sustainable development, while it is expected that the Agency shall assist the Member States, in particular the developing countries to this purpose as mandated by its Statute.

The participation of Iran in some regional projects which is going to be revisited would only deprive its neighboring countries to benefit from Iran’s useful experiences. Some of the other projects proposed to be put on hold are purely planned for humanitarian purposes and in long term would help not only the sustainable development of Iran but also the whole region, thus have nothing to do with proliferation concerns.

Mr. Chairman,

I have to recall that during the last three decades, the developing Member States have continuously expressed their concern over the voluntary nature of the Technical Cooperation Funding Policy. The Technical Cooperation program which is the main pillar of the Statute has been financed only through non-assured and voluntary contribution. The Non-Aligned Movement, and G77 and China have already expressed their concern over this issue. The new and unprecedented measures of imposing further restrictions on technical cooperation projects are an alarming sign for developing countries and that the IAEA is loosing its promotional incentive for developing countries and thus undermining the credibility of the Agency.

Those few countries which have used their political and economic leverages to take unjustified and unlawful punitive measures in order to deprive Iran from its inalienable rights for peaceful use of nuclear energy have not recognized the great nation of Iran. Iranian nation is a peace-loving nation but will never tolerate any pressure or intimidation.

Thank you for you attention

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