Negotiation the Only Solution to Iran’s Nuclear Case

The Iranian ambassador to France said that there reside two important points in Iran’s nuclear case i.e. recognition of Iran’s right in compliance with the NPT rules and regulations for the use of peaceful nuclear technology and presentation of guarantees concerning non-diversion of Iran’s nuclear program to military. Iran’s ambassador to Paris, Ali Ahani addressing the congregation of the students of the political sciences institute of Paris on Monday added that in order for the implementation of these two points, there is no need in resorting to war and confrontation and that the two sides can settle the case through talks and negotiation and it was in pursuit of this very objective that Iran proposed formation of a consortium under the supervision of the IAEA.

He further made reference to the history of Iran’s nuclear activities and said that such activities date back to the 1950s during the former regime of Iran and it was in 1967 when with the cooperation and assistance of the then US administration the first research reactor was set up in Iran and some contracts were also signed with a number of European countries such as France and Germany, though unfortunately, they never adhered to their obligations.

As to the urgency which is attached to enrichment in Iran, Ahani said, “The Iranian parliament has obligated the government to generate 20 thousand megawatts of energy by means of nuclear power plants in the years to come and to fulfill this task, we need to build some 20 power plants and given the heavy investment which goes into the construction of such power plants, we need to make sure that we can secure and provide at least part of the fuel requirements of these power plants by ourselves so that in case of likely discontinuation of supplies by the suppliers of nuclear fuel due to political considerations, these power plants will not be closed. ”

Making reference to the point that the opposition of the western countries to Iran’s nuclear program contains political incentives, Ahani stated, “Our nuclear stances are transparent.

The supreme leader of the Islamic revolution has issued a decree that bans and prohibits manufacture, stockpiling and deployment of nuclear weapons, therefore, there is no room for nuclear weapons in our defensive strategy and thus, we have given in to all inspections by IAEA.

Iran’s ambassador to France further stated that referral of Iran’s case to the UN security council was not the solution to the issue and added that referral of Iran’s case to the UN security council has taken place under pressure of the Americans and this is something which is in clear contradiction with the articles of association of IAEA.

Commenting on the concerns about alleged diversion of Iran’s nuclear programs to military, Ahani said, “This is not logical.

On the one hand, there are countries that have not joined the NPT and do as they wish while countries such as Iran are deprived of their rights which have been stipulated by the NPT. ”

As to the current situation of Iran’s nuclear case, Ahani stated that negotiation is the only solution to Iran’s nuclear issue and that issuance of a new resolution will further complicate the situation.

Commenting on relations with the US, Iran’s ambassador to France said that normalization of relations with the US is not a taboo, however, we insist on the principle of mutual respect and equal stances.

He added that the Americans as a super power do not reserve the right to insult others.

As to the likely US military attack against Iran, Ahani said, “The Americans have been trapped in the Iraqi quagmire and we are sorry that the American youth are losing their lives in Iraq just because of the mistakes that Bush is making.

This illustrates the fact that a military option just complicates the situation.

In case Bush plans to repeat in Iran, the kind of mistake he made in Iraq, he will have to pay a very heavy price for his adventurism.

At any rate, we are prepared to confront any threat but at the same time, we are hopeful that things will go on a different direction. ”

Ahani then stated that the Iranian people and government have not been and are not anti Jewish and that the rights of religious minorities are respected in Iran while Jews and Christians enjoy the same rights that Moslems enjoy here.

“They have their own representatives at the Islamic Consultative Assembly (parliament) in Iran and perform their own cultural, traditional and religious rituals.

We have a lot of respect for the Jews and regret that some anti Jewish measures are taken in the European states” Ahani concluded.

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