Discriminating Iranian Nation’s Rights Complies with no Criterion

A0278070.jpgIranian Foreign Minister made reference to Iran’s latest peaceful nuclear activities and said that discriminating the rights of the Iranian nation and depriving the people of Iran of the scientific progress and technologies that are required for sustainable development complies with no criterion. In a meeting with the deputy foreign minister of Myanmar, the Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki laid emphasis on the proper potentials and capacities available for the expansion of mutual ties and stated that there reside varying potentials and resources in both states that can help to the consolidation of relations.

Mottaki further extended an invitation to the foreign minister of Myanmar to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran and expressed the hope that with the setting up of the joint Iran-Myanmar commission, the grounds will be prepared for cooperation in energy and economic spheres.

Iranian foreign minister then reminded Iran’s rich cultural and historical background and stated that Iran’s rich culture, civilization and history have always served mankind and that the Iranians have never sought to colonize others.

He further made reference to the US’s wrong approach in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan and said that the US’s militaristic policies in Iraq have failed and that administration of the affairs of the Iraqi people should be left to the Iraqi government and people themselves.

As regards Iran’s latest peaceful nuclear activities, Mottaki reiterated the point that discriminating the rights of the Iranian nation and depriving the people of Iran of scientific progress and the technologies required for sustainable development complies with no criterion and the Iranian nation, in order to restore its rights, will insist on its logical stances with patience and resistance.

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