Iran Will Not Overlook Aggression Against Its Territory

First vice speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran addressing British prime minister, Tony Blair said that Mr. Blair should not expect Iran to overlook obvious aggression against its territory. Mohammad Reza Bahonar made reference to the arrest of 15 British marines by the Iranian navy within Iran’s Arvand river waters and the remarks by the British prime minister, Tony Blair and stated, ” In case Mr. Blair is informed of the most basic rights of countries and states-and that he is-he should not expect us to overlook an obvious aggression against our territory.

There is no threat graver than aggression against our territory.”

He concluded by saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran will legally deal with the arrested British marines and the solutions to the case are diplomatically clear, if it has been a mistake, an apology by the British government will suffice, otherwise they have to explain what their objective has been in aggressing against the Iranian territorial waters.

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