Russian Contractors of Bushehr Power Plant Due to Visit Tehran

Russian officials in charge of construction of Bushehr nuclear project are likely to pay a visit to Tehran later this week, an informed source said here on Sunday. The source told FNA that a delegation of the experts of the power plant contractors, Atomstroiexport, is scheduled to arrive in Tehran on Monday, which will most probably be followed by a similar visit to Tehran by the project managers late this week.

Head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) Gholam Reza Aghazadeh last week said that a Russian delegation would visit Tehran to endorse an official agreement on the financial aspects of the construction of Bushehr nuclear power plant.

Speaking on the sidelines of the inauguration of the back up systems of the power plant, Aghazadeh said that the agreement would be signed by his deputy and the managing director of Atomstroiexport.

Under a deal that was made between Tehran and Moscow last September, Russia was scheduled to deliver nuclear fuel to Iran in March, the power station would go into operation in September and it would start producing energy in November.

But Russia postponed delivery of nuclear fuel to Iran due to alleged financial problems.

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