Chavez to Visit Iran

A02594763.jpgVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez will pay a visit to Iran in the next few months, the country’s ambassador to Tehran said here on Saturday.Speaking to reporters at a press conference held on the occasion of the April Coup in Venezuela in April 11, 2005 which was aimed at toppling Chavez administration, the diplomat viewed Iran as a brother state for his nation, and stressed that despite the long distance existing between the two countries, Venezuelans feel deep empathy and affinity with Iran and Iranians.

He said that Iran could play a very significant role in the world of Islam.

Reminding that his country is a proponent of anti-colonialist campaigns and struggles, the envoy said, “We invite the countries in our region to stand up to liberalism.

“If Americans decide to start a war on our country like what they have done in the other parts of the world, then they will certainly be forced to get out of our country with broken hands and legs,” he added.

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