IAEA Members to Attend NPT Provisional Meeting in Vienna

A02594764.jpgMember states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are due to convene in Vienna as of April 30 to May 11 to attend a provisional meeting on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) revision, Iran’s permanent representative to the IAEA Ali Asqar Soltanieh said. Speaking to FNA here on Saturday, Soltanieh further stated that the meeting would be presided over by Japan.

The NPT revision conference is held within intervals of 6 years, while its provisional meetings are held twice to three times every 5 years, he added.

The official reminded that that NPT revision conference focuses on the implementation of the Treaty in the different countries, adding that the next conference will be held in 2010.

He also pointed out that the provisional meetings do not produce any statement or resolution.

“Rather, the chairman of the session draws a conclusion of the views and stances of the member states and the final decision would be adopted in the main conference,” Soltanieh continued.

The last NPT Revision Conference in New York in 2005 failed in reaching a conclusion and did not produce any comprehensive document or resolution.

NPT Provisional Meetings are held in Geneva, New York and Vienna.

Since it was implemented in 1970, the Non-Proliferation Treaty has played a key role in preserving the world from the danger of nuclear threats as it has been regarded by almost all world countries.

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