Croatia Supports Iran’s N. Rights

A01918644.jpgCroatian Parliament Vice-Speaker stressed Iran’s right to access and use civilian nuclear technology, and further rejected discriminatory approaches towards single issues. “Discrimination is not acceptable in any ground,” the legislator said in a meeting with the visiting Iranian parliamentary delegation headed by Seyed Ali Riyadh on Wednesday.

Also during the meeting, the Iranian parliamentarian voiced pleasure in the two countries’ growing ties in the various academic, cultural, parliamentary and sports grounds, and called for the promotion of economic relations between the two countries.

He further described arrangement of the two countries’ economic commission as very significant, and underlined the need for both sides to draw proper and detailed plans to utilize their abundant potentials for expanding their economic and industrial relations in the different areas.

Elsewhere, the Iranian chairman of Iran-Croatia parliamentary friendship group pointed out that the United States is making an instrumental use of such international bodies as the UN Security Council and the Human Rights Commission, and mentioned, “While the Islamic Republic seeks to make a peaceful use of the nuclear energy within the framework of the international rules and Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) regulations, the United States has politicized Iran’s technical and scientific case and sent it to the UN Security Council (UNSC) as a result of its ill intentions.

He further underscored that the UNSC resolutions may not leave any impact on the Iranian nation’s determination to utilize civilian nuclear energy.

Pointing to the Israeli prime minister’s recent acknowledgement of possessing nuclear arms and warheads, the Iranian lawmaker said, “The UN Security Council has kept silent over the acknowledgement of the prime minister of the Zionist regime and does not issues any resolution, but it has embarked on passing frequent resolutions against the Islamic Republic of Iran which has announced that it is seeking peaceful uses of the nuclear energy and which is prepared to provide the required guarantees in this regard.”

Riyadh stressed Iran’s right to use civilian nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, and reiterated that the Iranian nation may never retreat along the said path.

For his part, the Croatian legislative official stressed his country’s enthusiasm for the expansion of all-out relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and said parliaments play a very fundamental role in the development of mutual ties.

He also called on both sides to boost their cooperation in all areas and at all levels in a bid to attain common goals.

Elsewhere, the Croatian official reiterated Iran’s entitlement to the use of civilian nuclear energy, and reminded that all countries hold equal rights and undertakings within the international bodies and rules, reiterating that the said norm should not be subjected to any kind of discrimination.

Pointing to Iran’s nuclear issue, he termed negotiation and talks as the only way to solve the present problem, and said that a nation with such a rich culture and civilization like Iran is mighty and powerful enough to defend its borders and rights.

Elsewhere the Iranian delegation met with the chairman and members of the two countries’ parliamentary friendship group, where the two sides stressed the necessity for the further expansion of friendly relations in all areas, specially in parliamentary and economic grounds.

During the meeting, Riyadh mentioned development and deepening of cordial ties as the main goal pursued by the visit to Zagreb by the Iranian parliamentary delegation, and said prompt implementation of the agreements and memoranda of understanding already signed by the two sides as well as holding of the two countries’ joint economic commission would bring a significant change to Iran-Croatia relations.

Regarding Iran’s nuclear case, he said that the Iranian nation does not accept unilateral treatment of the issue, and underlined that Tehran seeks dialogue and negotiation to remove the present misunderstandings through mutual respect.

He also said that the illegal and illogical resolutions of the UN Security Council would not make the Iranian nation feel concerned.

“The Iranian government and parliamentary will not withdraw from the Iranian nation’s right of access to peaceful nuclear energy even for an inch,” he added.

During the same meeting, a Croatian member of the two countries’ parliamentary friendship group also said that Zagreb attaches much significance to the promotion of relations with Iran, and underlined Iran’s right to make a peaceful use of the nuclear energy.

He further pointed to such nuclear technology-related areas as construction and operation of nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine and environmental issues as among potential areas of cooperation for the two countries.

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