Egypt and Iran Consider Restoring Relations

Egypt and Iran are considering restoring diplomatic relations and are expected to engage in negotiations in the next few days.


Numerous reports have recently abounded suggesting the two countries are ready to reestablish relations and open embassies in their capitals.


Recent talks between officials of Iran and the United States over the security situation in Iraq reportedly paved the way for a rapprochement between Iran and Egypt, a U.S. ally.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad recently said his country would be willing to open an embassy in Cairo if Egypt indicated it wanted to restore relations.


In response, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu Al-Gheit sent a message to Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to say Cairo was ready to engage in negotiations to restore relations.


Egypt and Iran cut diplomatic relations following the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 and after Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel.


Previous attempts to restore relations were thwarted by American pressure, an Egyptian source told the Israeli Haaretz. But direct talks held between American and Iranian officials will make the restoration of these relations easier.


Establishing full diplomatic relations with Egypt could help Iran pacify fears in the Arab world that Iran is seeking Shi’ite domination in the Middle East.


Aligning itself with a Western ally could also help alleviate Western pressures on Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

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