Danish News Agency: Outdated Facts on Iranian Opposition

NCRI – Danish News Agency (Ritzau) Reported on Thursday: EU is presenting outdated evidence from six years ago to keep the Iranian opposition group in the terrorist list but the attorneys and politicians denote that these are old facts and this group must be de-listed.“Although their evidence is 6 years old, EU insists in keeping the group in the list. The EU and Danish government have always overlooked presenting any documents to justify the listing of Iranian Mojahedin-e-Khalgh (MEK).”
“Muller, the Danish Foreign Minister has sent a top secret letter to the European Committee of the Parliament explaining that Iranian MEK had a number of hit and run operations in 2000 and 2001 against the Iranian forces, police branches and governmental offices at the Iran-Iraq border.

“Jurists and politicians have criticized this information. They emphasize that the European Union should only review the past 6 months and decide if there is a reason to keep individuals or groups in the list.”

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