Davis says war crimes co-operation is Serbia’s main obligation to CoE

Council of Europe (CoE) Secretary-General Terry Davis said full co-operation with UN war crimes tribunal remains Serbia’s main obligation as a member of the CoE, in an interview with Glas javnosti published on Saturday (June 23rd). Davis was in Belgrade for the jubilee, 1,000th meeting of the CoE Committee of Ministers — the organisation’s executive arm — on Friday. Serbia currently holds the rotating chairmanship. Davis said he was satisfied with the progress achieved by Serbia in the field of war crimes co-operation in past months but stressed that the four remaining high-level fugitives must be arrested and extradited to The Hague as soon as possible.Those attending Friday’s meeting adopted a declaration titled “One Europe — Our Europe”, stressing their commitment to work for the “construction of a Europe without dividing lines through full respect for […] shared values, thereby promoting the democratic stability, security and justice to which European societies and citizens aspire”.

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