New High Representative Lajcak assumes office

New High Representative Miroslav Lajcak assumed the post from Christian Schwarz-Schilling during a brief ceremony Monday (July 2nd). Lajcak told local media said he intends to build on foundations constructed during the past 12 years, and to work with BiH leaders to position the country “firmly on the path to the EU”. Lajcak also backed Schwarz-Schilling’s decision to transfer the management of the Centre for Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery to the state level, which angered officials in Republika Srpska last week.In other news, the US military handed over command of Camp Eagle Base in Tuzla to BiH authorities on Saturday. “When US military forces arrived, BiH was a shattered country … but today it is a sovereign, democratic nation … committed to joining the Euro-Atlantic community,” said Lieutenant General Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau.

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