New combat operation of Mujahideen in Chechnya

1140.jpgAccording to the AlKavkaz news website referring to his sources, in Vedeno district a unit of Chechen Mujahideen under the command of Amir Osama attacked a military convoy of Russian kafirs. The attack took place on July 17.


According to the website, the military operation was carried out by Chechen recruits who had just fled to the mountains and joined Mujahideen forces.


Although the enemy convoy was escorted by helicopter gunships, and the inexperience of young Chechen fighters, the commander decided to attack the enemy.


According to the website’s source the battle was short. After several minutes of heavy fire on the convoy, recruits retreated deep into the forest.


At least two occupiers were killed and several wounded, according to information received from radio interception. One APC was also damages in the operation. Chechen recruits did not incur any losses.


Munafiqs attacked in capital Jokhar and Vedeno


The occupation side reported about a gun battle between Mujahideen team and Chechen munafiqs the so-called “police” in capital Jokhar killing 1 and injuring 1 munafiq. The battle took place on the night of July 20.


Meanwhile, according to the source inside the command of CRI Armed Forces, on July 18 in the vicinity of Vedeno a squad of Chchen Mujahideen fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine-guns on munafiq formation. According to the source, 4 munafiqs were killed as a result of heavy firing. Several puppets were wounded. Mujahideen did not incur any casualties in that battle.


It was also reported that Russian aviation bombarded Shatoy district on the night of July 19.


New military actions in Chechnya, Russian sources report


Two Mujahideen from the unit of Amir Rizvan died in the firefight in Chechnya’s Kurchaloi district according to Russian invaders’ sources. Russian occupation side also reported that one invader was and five others wounded from their side.


The same sources reported about clashes on the outskirts of the village of Assinovskaya. Here, Mujahideen attacked a checkpoint of munafiqs. Two munafiqs were eliminated on the spot and four others injured.


Meanwhile, a battalion commander of kafirs and three mercenaries were eliminated in Shali district if the country. Invaders claim that they were allegedly shot by a drunk soldier.


Chechen side has not been gave any comments on these events.


A car convoy attacked in Karabulak


A car convoy of Russian invaders came under fire in Ingushetia on Wednesday afternoon, local sources reported. According to the sources there were dead and wounded among kafirs. However the precise number of killed and wounded couldn’t be established.


According to Russian sources, a car with occupation soldiers had been attacked. Several kafirs injured, Russian reported.

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