Powers’ Hegemonic System Shattered by Iran’s Nuclearization

A01895669.jpgIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Sunday underlined that his country would continue nuclear progress, adding that Iran’s nuclearization shattered powers’ hegemonic system. Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 10th nationwide congress of the Students’ Islamic Society in Tehran today, the president dismissed recent reports by western countries and media about the reduced pace of enrichment activities in Iran, and stressed, “…and now over 3000 centrifuges are operating and a new group is installed every week.”

He further said Iran’s nuclearization shattered powers’ hegemonic system, and underlined that his country would not give up even an iota of its nuclear rights and would continue progress in the field of nuclear technology.

Ahmadinejad said that the bullying powers are not able to harm Iran as they are currently faced with numerous problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, and reminded that the Iranian nation has already proved to be invincible.

He mentioned that a look at the past indicates that West had to retreat when it was faced with Iran’s resistance, saying, “As the Iranian nation took a step forward, the bullying powers retreated one step.”

Also noting the recent report on Iran’s nuclear drive and programs by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, the president said, “From our viewpoint, the case is dismissed.”

“There are only one or two countries which are making hues and cries for no reason, but I assure them that they will reach nowhere and obtain nothing.

“We have announced that we have found access to this technology and that we are prepared to help other member states (of the IAEA) and train their employees in Iran under the supervision of the Agency,” Ahmadinejad said, reiterating that the nuclear technology should be at the service of nations’ peace and welfare.

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