IRGC Flag-Bearer in Campaign against Terrorism

A000785812.jpgIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad praised the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) for its relentless efforts to fight terrorist groups which, he said, are supported by certain western countries. “The IRGC has always been the flag-bearer in the campaign against terrorism,” Ahmadinejad said, addressing a congregation of IRGC commanders here on Tuesday.

“Despite enemies’ extensive efforts and plots, IRGC has grown more powerful and decisive than ever, and stands in the forefront of the revolution to defend its achievements,” he said.

Ahmadinejad’s remarks followed an intensive propaganda campaign launched by the US in recent weeks to label the IRGC as a terrorist group.

“Enemies are angry at the Corps because their 300-year-long plots to gain dominance over nations have failed and because they have been faced with the resistance of the children of the Iranian nation,” he said.

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