Petraeus-Crocker Report not to Help US out of Iraq Quagmire

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini here Wednesday stressed that the testimony of the two US senior officials to the Congress on Iraq war would not rescue the United States from the Iraq quagmire. Hosseini said the report did not meet the real needs and expectations of a majority of the American people and would not soothe the pain and agony inflicted on the American society by heavy death tolls of the US soldiers in Iraq and would not remove the heavy financial burden imposed on the American taxpayers.

He said it was clear right from the beginning that the report was meant to help Neoconservatives with the future elections in the US and provide them with legal possibilities to continue occupation and justify their current measures in Iraq.

“The Bush administration seeks to put the blame for most of its problems on others and win the support and companionship of the congressmen for continuing occupation and militarism in Iraq in a bid to curb the increasing pressures of the American nation on the ruling hawks,” the spokesman added.

He further blasted the report’s approach for its unfounded and baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic, and mentioned, “Raising such allegations and accusations cannot put the heavy burden of the mistakes and unwise measures of the US statesmen in Iraq on its neighbors.”

Hosseini said that the Petraeus-Crocker assessment to the US Congress has unveiled the United States’ huge arms deals in Iraq, and added, “This issue indicates that the US arms producing companies have made an economic misuse of the conditions by changing the Middle-East region into a market and a warehouse for the US weapons and fueling an unwelcome arms race.”

And these measures do not provide a promising prospect for the establishment of peace and security in the region, he concluded.

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