More action in Chechnya as Umarov pledges more operations during Ramadan

Chechnya_1.jpgJust as “success” in Iraq is a myth, so is the ‘war is over” propaganda in Chechnya as the Mujahideen continue on the steadfast path with more attacks reported as Chechen President Dokku Umarov released a Ramadan statement on the state of affairs in the Caucasus.According to reports from Qoqaz on September 10, 2007, a Russian official and 3 other soldiers were killed in Najiorot. The unit of Commander “Maqrabi” the leader in the Najirot quarter destroyed a military Jeep (Wazak) that was carrying a Russian officer along with three of his soldiers. All on board were killed in this operation that comes after careful tracking.


Officer killed In Vendeno


In Vedeno, the intelligence of the Mujahideen tracked a house of one of the puppet Chechens, where a Russian officer frequented to drink and gamble with his friend. Immediately, Commander Taifoon, one of the leaders of the Vedeno quarter, along with his assistant went to the house, raided it and killed the Russian officer. As for the owner of the house he accepted his mistake and declared his repentance and regret. He was released.


President Dokku Umarov assures the steadfastness of the Mujahideen and more operations in Ramadan


President Dokku Umarov in a letter directed to the Muslim Ummah on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan that operations of the Mujahideen and their steadfastness in the face of the Russian occupation would continue. He said that the daily operations of the Mujahideen against the Russian army are harvesting what is unimaginable in lives and equipment. The greatest evidence for this, Umarov said is the banning of the media and preventing journalists from entering Chechnya, in fear that the world will see the failure that Russian army.


Chechen President Umarov also called on the Muslims Ummah, especially during the blessed month of Ramadan to stand by the Chechen issue and the Chechen Muslim nation who has chosen freedom and Islam over slavery and Russian imperialism that has resulted in occupation and the exile of its people.

Source: Alqoqaz, Jihad Unspun

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