Commander Stresses Iran’s Power to Strike US Interests

A031190649.jpgLieutenant commander of Iran’s Armed Forces here Wednesday warned Washington against an invasion of the Islamic Republic, saying that his country holds sufficient information, data and possibilities to strike US interests. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is not seeking to create tension in the region…while it has organized its defensive preparedness and capabilities in such a way that it is capable of pushing enemy into withdrawal,” General Masoud Jazayeri said.

He also said that Washington strives to bring the region and its relations with Iran under a security atmosphere, mentioning that US pretends to be moving towards a war against Iran.

“If US hawks could actually embark on such a measure, they would opt for a different path in their media propaganda,” the General said.

Jazayeri also stressed that security can only be established through cooperation among regional states.

“Regional countries all share common interests and attainment of these interests is subject to their cooperation and companionship, but intelligence services and diplomatic systems of the US and certain European countries are endeavoring to foil such companionship and solidarity,” he added.

The official also stated that despite West’s efforts, regional nations side with the Islamic Republic’s approach and diplomacy.

“Unlike the Untied States which embarks on invasion and aggression even without having an excuse, Iran is a great and powerful country and all its strategies and doctrines are based on honorable defense, ,” he said, adding, “in case of enemy invasion and aggression, Iran is able to deal a fatal blow to them and it has the sufficient information and possibilities to do so.”

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