Eight Dagestani Mujahideen became shaheeds

8_1.jpgOn picture: Dagestani shaheeds (martyrs)


The occupation sources cited the names of Dagestan Shaheeds who were martyred in the fierce gun battle, which was took place 12 November in the center of Shamilkala city (former Makhachkala). Russians claim that dead Mujahideen were the members of Buinaksk Jamaat.

Two women were died together with six men.


The names of killed are: Hizri Mamayev, Ashar Abakarov, Salamat Israpilova (Abkarov’s wife), Dinara Daydiyeva, Ruslan Avlakov, Imamurza Amirbekov and Mehti Elhan-oglu Kurbanov.


Let us remind that during the long battle kafirs (infidels, Russian invaders) and murtads (apostates, national traitors) were forced to use tanks and armored vehicles.


Occupation sources admitted that kafirs had been forced to redeploy to the capital armor gang of Russian “138th Buinaksk Brigade”, as well as to gather all available in the occupied republic the so-called “Special Forces”.


Kafirs also said that the Mujahideen allegedly planned to “seize” school by the New Year. However these kinds of statements are usually stated for propaganda purposes and have nothing to do with the real plans of Mujahideen.

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