Muallem Views Iran-Syria Consultations as Constructive

A014269423.jpgVisiting Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki here on Tuesday described the two countries’ continued consultations about bilateral ties and regional issues as “constructive and fruitful”. Muallem also stressed the necessity of continued talks and view exchanges between Iran and Syria, saying that consultation has further deepened and consolidated mutual ties between Tehran and Damascus.

Elsewhere, he noted regional issues, and said that Syria has always voiced support for comprehensive agreement and unity among Lebanese.

He expressed the hope that the next president in Lebanon would be elected through a consensus among Lebanese and non-intervention of foreign powers.

The top diplomat further noted the so-called Middle-East peace talks in the US, and said, “Syria will attend the summit if only the issue of the Golan Heights is placed on the agenda of the meeting.”

For his part, the Iranian foreign minister reiterated the necessity for continued talks and consultations between Tehran and Damascus about bilateral and regional issues, and voiced pleasure in the progressive trend of Iran-Syria joint projects launched by the two countries’ joint economic commission.

He said that an upcoming visit to Damascus by Iranian first vice-president and chairman of the joint commission could open new horizons to the two countries’ relations.

Regarding Lebanon, Manouchehr Mottaki underlined that an agreement among Lebanese is the solution to the country’s problem, reminding that such an agreement could be attained only through continued talks among Lebanese and non-intervention of foreign powers.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria hail an agreement among the Lebanese as a main factor (in resolving the issue)”, the top diplomat concluded.

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