Ahmadinejad Terms IAEA Report a Victory For Iran

A03518018.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the report submitted by the UN’s nuclear watchdog IAEA regarding its investigation on the Iranian nuclear program is a victory for the Iranian nation.

Speaking to a congregation of Basiji (volunteer) troops, President Ahmadinejad said that the report confirms Tehran’s insistence that its nuclear program is for peaceful means.

“The report was a victory for Iran’s nation, our technical situation is much better now than two years ago and our activities are approved by the IAEA,” ISNA quoted him as saying.

He further stated that the letters of the IAEA announcing that the cases regarding the uranium enrichment and the centrifuges are closed must be published for the public.

The President also reiterated his statement that the Iranian nation will not entertain thoughts of concession regarding their nuclear program.

“Political dialogue with its due preconditions along with resistance is necessary and the first precondition should be acceptance of Iran’s inalienable rights,” the IRNA quoted the president.

The United States, Israel and a few European Union nations allege Iran is trying to build nuclear bombs, but they don’t have any corroborative evidence to substantiate their allegations.
But Russia and China have dismissed such claims.

An IAEA report earlier this month endorsed Tehran’s repeated statements that its nuclear program is purely civilian and showed that there would be no basis for further discussion of it at the United Nations Security Council.

The IAEA report said Iran had made important strides toward transparency about its nuclear activity and praised Tehran’s cooperation.

It also underlined Tehran’s truthfulness in explaining past nuclear activities.

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