Iran Calls for Taking Bush to War Tribunal

A03314615.jpgTEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- A senior Iranian military official here on Monday called on all peace movements, advocates of human rights and freedom as well as all those opposing war and terrorism to join Iran in a movement to take Bush to a war tribunal.“The US President, George Bush has lied to the American people and the world public opinion about Iran and Iraq, and he should take the responsibility and account for his deeds in front of the people and before the law,” deputy chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces said.

General Seyed Masoud Jazayeri pointed to recent reports by the UN nuclear watchdog and 16 US intelligence agencies which both acquitted Iran of Washington’s charges about its nuclear ambitions, and said, “The reports recently released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) and others revealed that the claims by the US administration and Neoconservatives about existence of nuclear weapons in Iraq which caused an invasion of that country as well as their allegations about Iran’s military drives which brought intense political, diplomatic, economic and psychological pressures on Iran have all been baseless and unfounded.”

“These reports set a part of the documents to be presented to an authoritative international tribunal for trying Bush and his colleagues,” he added.

He further pointed to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of citizens as well as the destruction of infrastructures and eradication of security, calm and welfare during the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, reminding that all such crimes have resulted from the wrong ambitions of the US president and his team.

“Each one of these crimes suffices to try Bush as a war criminal,” Jazayeri continued.

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