Iran Sanctions Violate UN Charter

A01299302.jpgTEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini said Security Council resolutions on Iran are in violation of the UN Charter.

In a Thursday interview with Bahrain’s newspaper Al-Wasat, Hosseini said the resolutions passed against Tehran aim to deprive the Iranian nation of its legitimate and inalienable right to develop peaceful nuclear technology, Press TV reported.

“There is no legal justification for passing resolutions against Iran, just as there was no justification for Tehran’s nuclear dossier to be hauled before the UN Security Council,” Mehr News Agency quoted the official as saying.

Pointing to the reports released by the IAEA and the US intelligence community affirming the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, Hosseini stressed that Iran’s nuclear activities pose no threat to other countries.

The Iranian official also urged the Security Council to shelve the Islamic Republic’s nuclear dossier, so it can be dealt with by the UN nuclear watchdog.

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