Another firefight took place near Olhazar-Kotar

According to sources in Wilayah of Nokhchicho (Ichkeria) of the Caucasus Emirate, an exchange of fire was took place between a mobile group of Mujahideen and formations of Kadyrov’s gangs near the village Olhazar-Kotar (Alhuzurovo) on 15 Rabi‘al-Awwal 1429 (22 March 2008). The exact details of the clash are unknown. It is only murtadin incurred casualties.Let’s recall that a few days ago, a large detachment of the Mujahideen attacked a base and hideouts of murtadin in this village. As a result of successful military operation 13 murtadin were eliminated, a few murtadin were captured, and a building of puppet administration was burned down.

Kavkaz Center

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