3 kuffar eliminated, Ural truck destroyed on Tsentoroi-Belgatoi road

According to AlKavkaz website, 23 Rabi‘ al-Awwal 1429 (30.03.2008) on Tsentoroi-Belgatoi road in Wilayah of Nokhchicho of the Caucasus Emirate, Mujahideen from Amir Sawab’s unit detonated an explosive device at a Russian Ural military truck, eliminating at least three kafir terrorists and destroying the truck. Let us remind that Amir Sawab’s unit is a member of the Eastern Front of Armed Forces of the Caucasus Emirate (Commander Amir Aslambek).


News sources report that Mujahideen has intensified combat operations in the mountainous parts of the Wilayah with the onset of spring.

Kavkaz Center

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