He were put into car and taken away to an unknown destination.

27_1.jpgAccording to information sources in Wilayah Nokhchicho (Ichkeria) of the Caucasus Emirate, one of the closest to Kadyrov men Adam Delimkhanov said that “the Yamadayev brothers execute an order of cursory oligarch Boris Berezovsky to collapse Russia through the North Caucasus”, local puppet mass media reported.According to Delimkhanov’s words Yamadayevans are “agents of Berezovsky and act in the interests of the West.” He called them as “twice traitors”, saying that, besides secret work to undermine the interests of Russia and destabilization of the situation in the North Caucasus, Yamadayevans betrayed Akhmad Kadyrov, who in his time “took them under his patronage and legalized.”


Delimkhanov stated that “greedy for money” Yamadayevans “bought on wealth, which promised them by Berezovsky and the West”.


The events in Gudermes, where violent clashes took place on Monday between the gangs of Yamadayevans Kadyrovans, as a result of which according to various information from 16 to 18 murtadin were killed from both sides, Delimkhanov called “the agony of Berezovsky’s policy”, who greatly angered by Putin’s “election as a chairman of United Russia” party, as well as the fact that “elected President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev fully endorses and supports the political course of Ramzan Kadyrov”.


In turn, the ringleader of Chechen murtadin Kadyrov said that Sulim Yamadayev fraudulently obtained the title of “Hero of Russia”, attributing to himself death of Amir Abu Walid.


Let us remind that Adam Delimkhanov was former personal driver of Salman Raduyev, and the former ringleader of the gang of “oil regiment”, a well-known in Chechnya as a sadist and kidnapper. He became famouse after kidnapping Amir Dokka Umarov’s family (72 years old father, wife of Dokka Umarov and his 6 months old baby). He personally tortured to death Amir Dokka’s father by pulling out his ayes when he was still alive.


He is the executor of very dirty and bloody orders of Ramzan Kadyrov. He is trusted man of Kadyrov. Organizer and executor of murder of FSB agent Movladi Baisarov, who was shot by Delimkhanov himself in the center of Moscow in autumn of 2006, in front of the group of policemen, after the FSB gave the green light for his elimination.


He is the organizer and executor of murder of Alikhan Mutsayev (a former personal guard of formal ringleader of Chechen murtadin Alu Alkhanov and the competitor of Kadyrov), who was also shot dead by Delimkhanov in Moscow in autumn of 2007.


Adam Delimkhanov was appeared in the operational report of Mukhabarat (secret service) of the Caucasus Emirate, as one of the organizers of an alleged plot to assassinate Medvedev.

Kavkaz Center

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