Murtadin in a rage: Youth continues go to the woods

19_1.jpgKavkaz Center’s source in Wilayah Nokhchicho (Ichkeria/Chechnya) of the Caucasus Emirate has reported that with the onset of spring flow of young people to the Mujahideen increased.  The source reported that in closed meetings Kadyrov calls from the leaders of his gang to tighten repression against the parents of those guys who go from home to the forest.A great care resonance evoked a history of departure to the Mujahideen of 5 residents of Vedeno district 2 months ago. The departed are pupil of local school and four students. According to residents of Vedeno, during all this time parents of departed guys are subjected to cruel persecution: they are regularly taken for questioning, threatened, beaten, demanding that to affect their children and returned them home.


Let us specify in this regard that the local puppet media had reported even in the winter, with reference to the leader of the puppet administration of Vedeno district Sinbarigov that according to “set scheduling data” 85 residents of Vedeno are in the ranks of Mujahideen.


We would like to remind that one of the ringleaders of Chechen murtadin Sulim Yamadayev said in his interview to British journalists last November that up to 300 Mujahideen are concentrated in the Vedeno gorge.

Kavkaz Center

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