Jundallah kills two Iranian hostages

rabbani200806200936214211.jpgThe Jundallah terrorist group claims to have murdered two of the sixteen Iranian police officers who were taken hostage on June 12.

In footage aired Friday by Dubai-based Al-Arabiya, an armed insurgent claimed he had shot dead two of the kidnapped men.

Jundallah on Thursday threatened to kill the police officers if Tehran refrains from releasing imprisoned members of the terrorist group by Friday.

Jundallah terrorists captured sixteen police officers during an attack on a checkpoint in the southeastern Iranian city of Saravan.

The abducted law enforcement agents were later transferred to neighboring Pakistan.

The recent Jundullah announcement follows a Wednesday statement in which the group claimed it had killed two other police officers — Ali Mohammadi-Raoufi and Mohammad Piri.

Iran’s Interior Ministry, however, has raised doubts about the authenticity of the statement.


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