Iranian President Honors Journalists’ Day

AS12345TD3.jpgTEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with a group of journalists and media people here in Tehran Thursday night to honor Journalists’ Day (August 7).

At the meeting, Ahmadinejad called on reporters to portray a realistic picture of Iran, saying, “Today, our mission is to introduce Iran to the world people as beautiful and powerful as it is.”

President Ahmadinejad said that any success in presenting a realistic picture of Iran’s abundant potential to the world people would help change others’ attitude towards the country.

The president said that media people in Iran have set movement towards message of peace, justice, perfection and love as their target despite shortcomings in the way.

August 7 has been designated as the Journalist Day in Iran after IRNA reporter Mahmoud Saremi was martyred in cold blood along with eight Iranian diplomats at Iranian Consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif when the Taleban militia toppled the government of President Burhanuddin Rabbani in 1998.

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