Gas Exporters Cartel Draws up Draft Charter

A052333110.jpgTEHRAN (FNA)- The head of the Iranian delegation to the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) High Level Committee (HLC) announced that the new cartel prepared a draft version of its charter at the recent HLC meeting in Caracas, Venezuela.

Mohammad-Ali Khatibi as saying that the charter will be presented for the final approval in the next HLC meeting which has been scheduled for November 18 in Moscow.

“Iran has made an official proposal to the Gas Exporting Countries Forum to be the permanent host of its secretariat,” the official added.

“Egypt, Russia, Qatar, and Algeria are the other volunteers for hosting the secretariat,” Khatibi noted.

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum is an organization of the world’s leading gas producers, which was established in Tehran in 2001, Tehran Times reported.

The forum doesn’t have a fixed membership structure, however Algeria, Bolivia, Brunei, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago, the UAE and Venezuela could be identified as its current members. Norway has the status of observer.

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