Kazemi Qomi:Iran Never Yields to Bullying Powers

A05233313.jpgTEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi Qomi said on Saturday that the western countries are quite well aware that Iran never yields to bullying powers and that adoption of such policies against Iran does not bear any fruit.

The recent UNSC resolution 1835 was actually a political statement, he said.

The bullying powers lack logic of dialogue and only try to resolve issues through hegemony, he said.

They even ignored to give proper response to the proposal made by by Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili, he pointed out, the Islamic republic news agency reported.

The western countries ignored Iran’s proposal which aimed to remove existing ambiguities for both sides and help administer justice and restore peace and tranquility to the world, he said.

Iran’s offer underlined the need to have collective cooperation to make the world free from weapons of mass destructions and ensure non-proliferation of nuclear arms, he said.

“”Unfortunately, the bullying powers deviated Iran’s peaceful nuclear program through political means,”” he said.

Instead of resolving the issues, these powers issued UNSC resolution 1835 which is similar to a political statement, Kazemi Qomi said.

Their move left negative impacts on the Geneva talks which had created mutual confidence between the two parties and proved that these powers do not seek to resolve the issue, he said.

The Iranian nation and its government never give up their legitimate nuclear rights and have always proved that they will resist bullying powers, he said.

Iran is ready to help resolve the issue through dialogue but will never give up its legitimate rights even one iota, he pointed out.

The recent resolution issued by the 5+1 group indicates that the U.S. policies in Iraq, Middle East and the globe are doomed to failure, he said.

The International community along with people in the Middle East region have adopted a negative approach to bullying powers, Kazemi Qomi said.

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