Hamas warns Fatah may topple Egyptian reconciliation efforts

GAZA, Nov. 1 – A Hamas advisor on Saturday accused rival Fatah movement of not being interested in Egypt’s efforts to broker a national reconciliation between the two movements. President Mahmoud Abbas, who heads Fatah, “may come under pressure” which forced him not to expand ties with Hamas, said Ahmed Yousef.

Some members of Fatah may also “carry out assassinations” and attack Hamas and Fatah officials in order to thwart the inter-Palestinian dialogue which Egypt is to host in November, he said.

The long-awaited dialogue is aimed to broker Palestinian reconciliation and handle the aftermath of Hamas’ violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in June last year.

Abbas fired a Hamas-led coalition after the Islamic movement defeated his forces in Gaza and consolidated the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)’s rule in the West Bank.

“Everyone has the desire to reach an agreement protecting our national project and cause, this situation can not sustain due to its disastrous effects,” Yousef said, referring to the political split between the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the Fatah-ruled West Bank.

Egypt drafted the agenda of the dialogue and envisioned the formation of a new unity government, reformation of security services and holding of general elections to boost national unity.

Hamas has several reservations on the Egyptian offer but Yousef said that “those worries may vanish.” 

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