Fatah denies inter-Palestinian dialogue delayed

RAMALLAH, Nov. 4 – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement on Tuesday denied reports that the Egyptian-hosted Palestinian national dialogue has been delayed. “The dialogue will start as scheduled on Nov. 9 and we did not receive any official notification about the alleged postponement,” Fatah said in a statement sent to the media.

Earlier on Monday, a pro-Hamas website quoted well-informed Palestinian sources as saying that Egypt has decided to postpone the inter-Palestinian dialogue until Nov. 11 for “technical reasons.”

Meanwhile, Nabil Shaath, head of Fatah delegation to the dialogue, said the preparations for holding the dialogue have been completed and leaders of 12 Palestinian factions have started to travel to Cairo.

Shaath added that Fatah delegation will arrive in Cairo on Thursday.

The dialogue will be the first of its kind that comprises Hamas and Fatah since June 2007, when Hamas routed pro-Abbas forces and took over Gaza Strip by force.

The dialogue’s goal is to achieve reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah to overcome the aftermath of Gaza takeover and the ensuing split between the Gaza Strip and Fatah-dominated West Bank.

Egypt’s plan for the dialogue envisions the formation of a unity government, reforming the security forces and holding early elections.

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