The dog’s fate: ‘Vostok’ and ‘Zapad’ gangs disbanded

7.jpgThe gangs “Zapad/West” (Kakiyevans) and “Vostok/East” (Yamadayevans) of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Ministry of Defense, deployed in the occupied territory of the Province of Chechnya of the Caucasus Emirate, have been disbanded; is was announced by one of Russia’s military ringleaders “General-Colonel” Vladimir Moltenskoy.We would like to remind that the current ringleader of Chechen apostates Kadyrov, who has long enmity with Yamadayevans and Kakiyevans, has achieved their liquidation.


Previously it has been announced that Sulim Yamadayev is being wanted in order to arrest and to bring him for questioning in Gudermes.


According to sources in the province of Nokhchicho (Chechnya), Kadyrovans have greeted the news on the disbandment of “East” and “West” gangs with intensive shooting. Shooting in the air, by which Kadyrovans expressed their winning joy over the “fallen” competitors were heard for a half an hour in different parts of the city.


Meanwhile, Russian military ringleader Moltenskoy, after several hours of silence, said that the gangs are not just disbanded, but are transformed into “motor-rife companies in the structure of the 42nd Motor-Rifle Division of the Ministry of Defense deployed in Chechnya”.


According to him, the transformation of the gangs “Zapad” and “Vostok” is made within the process of reshaping the image of the Land Forces.


“The motorized rifle companies will be engaged in combat training under the plans and only within the structure of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division,” the ringleader noted.


We would like to indicate in this regard that both gangs were disbanded just over 2.5 months after the end of the war in Georgia, where the two gangs fought against Georgian troops, and suffered heavy casualties.


Russian propaganda in every way had painted the “heroism” of Chechen apostates, who “fought for Russia”. The current decision of Moscow could be considered as the prize for that “heroism”.


In all times and for all peoples the fate of traitors are one – to be a dog for his master, later on in order to be thrown out of the kennel or to be shot as not wanted.


Putin’s personal dog Kadyrov waiting in the wings, unless, of course, if he survive and would not be before shot by the Mujahedeen. 


Ruslan Sinbarigov,

Kavkaz Center

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