EULEX Chief Visits Belgrade

The head of Kosovo’s Rule of Law mission, EULEX, visited Belgrade on Friday in order to find a ”pragmatic solution” to many of the outstanding issues that have dogged his mission since its launch in December last year.

It is the first time that Yves de Kermabon has visited the Serbian capital since his mission began. 

During his visit he confirmed that many of the issues within his mission’s remit have yet to be resolved, for example the fate of the Serb police in the north of Kosovo who have refused to go to work since the country declared independence in February, 2008 as well as which laws judges in northern Kosovo will work to.

De Kermabon said that EULEX is seeking “a pragmatic solution” to these issues, and is ready to consider a number of proposals. “We have experts who need to find a pragmatic solution. We have some technical problems as well, that is for sure,” he said, according to the B92 website.

Kermabon met with Deputy Prime minister and Minister of Interior Ivica Dacic, tMinister of Finance Diana Dragutinovic, Minister of Justice Snezana Malovic, as well as with the Minister for Kosovo of Serbia, Goran Bogdanovic.

“It is a first step. We have to work with all stakeholders, including Serbia, if we want to fight organised crime and bring stability for all the people of Kosovo. We cannot work without the participation of the Kosovo Serb community,” said de Kermabon.

The head of EULEX is also visiting other regional capitals.

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