Romania’s president appeals for int’l policy on fighting criminality

BUCHAREST – Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday urged that international legislation be passed to curb criminality worldwide as criminals become more clever in breaking the law at home and abroad.

The adoption of a policy of fighting criminality at the international level is necessary, considering that criminal organizations have discovered new forms and procedures for avoiding the law, Basescu said at the opening of the World Summit of prosecutors general in Bucharest. 

“Alone, the national policies are no longer adequate for the challenges at global level, as new approaches are necessary, including through multilateral working meetings, with direct talks between prosecutors of various states in order to find viable solutions to topical problems,” said Basescu.

According to Basescu, global threats make necessary the adoption of a common stand, irrespective of the judicial systems existing in each state.

“The free market, free movement of persons, of capitals and services undeniably led to the life enhancement, however, they offered the possibility to criminal organizations of discovering new forms and procedures to avoid the law. Under these circumstances, it is necessary all the institutions involved in the process of prevention of criminal forms be able to rapidly adjust the methods and means of reaction,” the Romanian president said.

The mutual aid in the criminal sector may be achieved only through the establishment of minimal standards on the international legislation, progressively followed by the standardization of the usual statutes and procedures and stepping up of their enforcement, Basescu said.

Attending the 3rd World Summit of Prosecutors General, Attorneys General and Chief Prosecutors are prosecutors general and chief prosecutors from 112 states and several international organizations.

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