Serbian Anti-Crisis Measures Debated

resizer19The Serbian government is debating a package of anti-crisis measures that aim to support industry and offer cheaper loans.

Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic, in a statement to the press, said that the package included restrictive, stimulative and active measures. He said that the key was to support industry, offering cheaper loans at lower interest rates, and to stabilise the national currency, the dinar.

Serbian Prime Minister, Mirko Cvetkovic, spoke vaguely about the package and has not gotten into details.

“It is an improvement on the existing package of measures, geared towards further support for industry through cheaper loans,” Cvetkovic said.

Dinkic, and Labor Minister Rasim Ljajic will present the new measures at a meeting to be held for unions and employers.

Ljajic told the Borba daily that these measures are an extension of those already existing, which he said have been successful, yielding positive results and stopping further declines in production.

“We expect that this package of measures… will help prevent a fall in production and redundancies,” he said, adding that the existing set of measures is already yielding results.

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